%T An Error Analysis on Descriptive Writing Made By The Tenth Grade Students’ of SMA Muhammadiyah 18 Jakarta in the Second Semester of 2019/2020 Academic Year %X The research was held at SMA Muhammadiyah 18 Jakarta. The objectives of the study were: to know the types error on the students’ descriptive writing, to know the sources of the error, and to design the remedial teaching that are appropriate in order to reduce the students’ errors made by the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 18 Jakarta in second semester of the 2019/ 2020 Academic Year in their descriptive writing. The samples respondent of this study were 25 students at X A. The writer asked the students to make the descriptive writing based on the instruction given on the writing task. The writer used Azar’s theory in analyzing the types of errors and Brown’s theory for the sources of errors in analyzing the data. Based on the calculating the results, the most types of errors that students made were the 42 additional word errors (16,86%) refering to the first place, and the second are 40 word choice and omitted word errors (16,06%). The most sources of error 134 interlingual transfer (53,81%) refering to the first place, and 115 intralingual transfer (46,18%) as the second place. The result of the data analysis showed that the most types of error and sources of error were additional word and for the sources of error was on interlingual transfer. It indicates that most students need more explanation and more doing exercise to evaluate their writing errors in English. %L repository14365 %D 2020 %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka %A Devtika Ola Asmia %A Siswana Siswana %A Ahmad Zuhad