%I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka %T The Relationship between The Students’ Anxiety And the Speaking Skills at the Tenth Grade on the Second Semester of MARaudhatul Jannatinnaim in the 2019/2020 Academic Year %X The purpose of this study was to describe the relationship between students’ anxiety and their English speaking skill. The method that the writer used in this study is the correlation study. The population of this study were the tenth grade students of MA Raudhatul Jannatinna’im. There were 30 students as the sample of the research by using random sampling. There are two instruments in collecting the data. The first instrument is questioner to measure students’ anxiety Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS), which was developed by Howirtz; the second instrument is an interpersonal dialog to measure students’ speaking skills. The data were collected and calculated by using questioner and speaking test after data collecting it must be analysis prerequisite test analysis those are normality and linearity test analysis the result of the research the data were normal and linear, and then it can be continued to analyze research hypothesis by using Pearson Product Moment coefficient correlation analysis the result were ro is higher then rtable (ro = 0.381 > rt = 0.329) it can be concluded ho is was rejected and hi was accepted it means that there is a relationship between students anxiety and the speaking skill. The analysis can be continued to find out ttest significant by using ttest. The result to is higher than ttable (to = 2.181>tt = 1.70. It can be concluded to was rejected, and tt was accepted. It means there is a significant relationship between students' anxiety and the speaking skill. The writer hopes the result of the research are useful for the writer and the English teacher. %D 2020 %A Azzahro Nur Pramesti %A Susilo Wardoyo %L repository14357