%T The relationship between students’ reading motivation and their vocabulary mastery of the second grade students of SMP Islam Annasiriin in 2019-2020 academic year %X The research used the quantitative survey method. The population in this research was two classes with the total students of eighth grade students of SMP Islam Annasiriin 2019/2020 academic year. There were VIII-A, VIII-B. The writer used the purposive sampling technique. From those samples, the writer took only 31 students of VIII-A class for the sample of this research. To obtain the data of X variable (students’ reading motivation), the writer used the questionnaire consisting of 40 items. To obtained the data of Y variable (vocabulary mastery), the writer used the vocabulary test consisting of 25 items. After analyzing the data, it was found that both sample data (X and Y) have been normally distributed because Х 2 o < Х 2 t X data (2.7007 < 33.2), Y data (1.7912 < 31.4). The correlation was r-observed = 0.3850 and r-table = 0.355 in significant 0.05 with n = 31. Because r-observed > r-table, so Ho was rejected and Hi was accepted, it proved that there is a significant relationship between students’ reading motivation and their vocabulary mastery of the second grade students of SMP Islam Annasiriin in 2019-2020 academic year. %L repository14346 %D 2020 %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka %A Ahmad Fikri Fauzi %A Tri Wintolo Apoko