@article{repository143, year = {1998}, month = {October}, journal = {Majalah Ilmiah Ilmu dan Wisata}, volume = {18}, title = {KETERKAITAN SEKTOR-SEKTOR PARIWISATA DALAM PEREKONOMIAN BALI: ANALISIS INPUT-OUTPUT}, pages = {12--23}, publisher = {Universitas SAHID}, issn = {0854-0241}, url = {http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/143/}, abstract = {Employing the concept of black-box system operasionalied by input-output model, this paper analyses linkages and the role of tourism sectors in the economy of Bali. After explaining the method of analysis, an example of black box system consist of input, proses and output of tourism sectors is presented based on the input-output table of Bali. This paper then discusses linkages: direct, open and closed linkages of tourism sectors in the economy of Bali. Disaggregated output, income and import multipliers of these sectors are also provided to indicate which sectors involved. Summary and conclusion are finally provided at the end of the paper.}, author = {Muchdie, Muchdie} }