@unpublished{repository13438, note = {Unpublished}, journal = {Jurnal Solma}, title = {WORKSHOP IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM TERINTEGRASI AIKA (AL-ISLAM, KEMUHAMMADIYAHAN/KE'AISYIYAHAN) DALAM PEMBELAJARAN DARING BAGI GURU TKABA DI CAKUNG JAKARTA TIMUR}, url = {http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/13438/}, abstract = {AIKA is peculiar feature and characteristic of each school of Muhammadiyyah/ 'Aisyiah. Inovation and transformation of AIKA curriculum is carried out in order to function as a giver direction of change and spirit for development of the schools of Muhammadiyyah/ 'Aisyiah. The information given by the managers of TK ABA shows that the problem has being faced oleh patners is the lack of capability to master the subject of AIKA and obstacles to teach it to the students of different backgrounds, especially during the course daring. Therefore it is significant to reinforce the AIKA teachers' capability of mastering the subject of AIKA through "Workshop of Integrated AIKA Curriculum Implementation in Daring Course for TK ABA teachers at Cakung, Jakarta Timur." The goal of the workshop is to increase understanding and mastering the subject of AIKA and learning at PAUD. The workshop was carried out by Lectures of UHAMKA in cooperation with Heads of the Branch of Cakung 'Aisyiah at TK ABA 102. The participants consist of 36 teachers from 15 TK ABAs Cakung Branch and its environs. The Workshop uses telling, question and answer, practicing assigning, and applying the principle of learning while playing. The participants follow the workshop enthusiastically and energetically from start to end. The new participants have known the founders of 'Aisyiah and have watched the pictures of the founders of TK ABA. They have become confident because they have gained enlightenment about AIKA. They promised to apply the knowledge they got to teach their education participants.}, author = {Afni Rasyid, Afni} }