@article{repository12748, title = {Pemanfaatan Situs Sejarah Buddhisme Di Palembang Sebagai Suplemen Materi Pembelajaran Sejarah}, journal = {JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES \& HUMANITIES "ESTORIA"}, year = {2021}, month = {April}, publisher = {UNIVERSITAS INDRAPRASTA PGRI}, url = {http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/12748/}, abstract = {Palembang is known for its thick nuances of Buddhism, because in that region once ruled the Sriwijaya Kingdom. Therefore, it is interesting to study further related to the sites of Buddhism in Palembang, especially during the Sriwijaya Kingdom which can be used as material supplement of history learning. Thus, this study aims to utilize the historical site of Buddhism in Palembang as material supplement of history learning in class X of Senior High School. The research method used is historical research method with four steps which is heuristic, critic, interpretation, and historiography. The results of this study indicate that there are 12 relics of Buddhism sites in Palembang, which consist of the period before the Sriwijaya Kingdom with relics in Bukit Siguntang in the 6th century and the time of the Sriwijaya Kingdom ruling from the 7th century. This shows that it can be used as material supplement of history learning in class X of Senior High School.}, author = {Suswandari, Suswandari} }