@inproceedings{repository12203, booktitle = {The Third Workshop on Multidisciplinary and Its Applications, WMA-3 Medan, Indonesia}, title = {An Evaluation of EFL Teachers' Perceptions of Blended Learning}, url = {https://eudl.eu/proceedings/WMA-3/2019?articles\%5fper\%5fpage=25}, abstract = {This paper report on a preliminary study of English as a foreing language (EFL) teachers' perception of blended learning practices. In the study, a total of 247 EFL teachers across education levels were surveyed. Findings of the study revealed that teachers' perceptions on their skill and experience (F= 1.640, Sig.= 0.201) and motivation (F= 0.002, Sig.= 0.969) of blended learning was not predisposed by their gender. Their perceptions of interaction and communication (F= 1.483, Sig.= 0.224) to use blended learning also was not affected by gender. The gender also does not affect their perceptions toward the effectiveness and flexibility indicator (F= 0.966, Sig.= 0.327) that blended learning offers.}, author = {Ismayana, Deana and Mulyono, Herri and suryoputro, gunawan and Komara, Cahya} }