%A Bunyamin Bunyamin %B Technopark Between Academician, Entrepreneurs and the Industry World in a Culture of Innovation %P 1-18 %I Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA %X t The Science Technology Park or well known as Technopark is a priority program of the Indonesian government in revitalizing and reforming Vocational High Schools. The Science Technology Park or Technopark is an integrated area that combines industry, schools, research and training centers, banking, entrepreneurship, central and local government in one site that allows the information and technology flow more effectively, more efficiently and more rapidly. The Technopark program cannot be separated from the Teaching Factory learning model because both of them intertwine and depend on each other. Technopark is an integrator or means of selling products produced by the Teaching Factory to consumers or industries. In addition, Technopark is also a liaison between vocational high schools, which have executed the Teaching Factory program and the industrial world. It was found that vocational high schools, which have implemented teaching factory, able to produce innovative products and improve the students' entrepreneurship skills. Since Technopark aims to stimulate and manage the flow of knowledge and technology among Vocational Schools implementing the program, the quality of Vocational School students and graduates increases; entrepreneurial spirit develops, and they can adapt or survive with environmental change, which is getting faster in this century. Keywords: Science Technology Park, Technopark, innovation culture, teaching factory, entrepreneurship, Vocational High School %L repository12177 %T Technopark Between Academician, Entrepreneurs and the Industry World in a Culture of Innovation