%T COUNTER-DISCOURSE OF ISLAMIC STATE IN INDONESIA THROUGH ONLINE MEDIA SUARAMUHAMMADIYAH.ID AND NU ONLINE %X Discourse of radicalism that proposes a system of government khilafah (Islamic State) to replace Pancasila as the basis of the state strengthened again after the reform era in 1998. Along with the development of information and communication technology today, discourse of radicalism then spread through online media and social media affiliated to radical Muslim groups. Islamic State discourse in online media must be countered with counter-discourse in the same realm. Therefore, the role of online media from moderate Islamic groups such as Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) becomes needed to match the discourse of these radical Muslim groups. The research problem is how do forms of counter-discourse of radicalism about the Islamic state in Indonesia through online media suaramuhammadiyah.id and NU Online? The study used Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis method, which focused his analysis on three levels: (1) text analysis, (2) analysis of discourse practice and (3) socio-cultural analysis (context). The results showed that the form of counter-discourse of radicalism suaramuhammadiyah.id about the Islamic State is to represent the State of Pancasila as darul ahdi wa shahadah (state of agreement and testimony). NU Online represents Pancasila as Islamic, there is no conflict between Islam and Pancasila. The discourse that represented by suaramuhammadiyah.id and NU Online is a counter-discourse about the Islamic State which is disoursed by radical Muslim groups in Indonesia. %C Bandung, West Java, Indonesia %D 2021 %A Said Romadlan %L repository12117