@mastersthesis{repository11461, year = {2005}, school = {Gadjah Mada University}, title = {GAMBARAN QUANTITATIVE ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY (QEEG) SEBAGAI FAKTOR PREDIKTOR PROGNOSIS KEBERHASILAN TERAPI METHYLPHENIDATE DALAM PENATALAKSANAAN ATTENTION-DEFICIT / HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER (ADHD) PADA ANAK}, url = {http://repository.uhamka.ac.id/id/eprint/11461/}, abstract = {Background: Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurobehavioral disorder of childhood, and frequently encountered childhood-onset neurodevelopmental disorder. Its impact on individual and society is enormous. Methylphenidate is the most researched and prescribed pharmacological treatments for ADHD, but about 15 - 20 \% of patients having no benefit or aversive side effects from medication. Few studies have investigated the use of quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) measurement in predicting which children with ADHD respond positively to methylphenidate, but the result is not conclusive yet. The use of QEEG is based on the ability to identified the underlying cortical dysfunctions. Objective. To measure the role of QEEG profile in predicting which children with ADHD respond positively to methylphenidate. Methods. A prospective cohort study base on consecutive children with ADHD of 7 - 12 years old that have recent diagnosed, and plan to receive methylphenidate in Dr. Sardjito Hospital and P3TKA clinic. The primary outcome is reduction of the core symptoms of ADHD over three weeks, based on I/O conners rating scale. All subjects will have an QEEG assessment. The QEEG profile will be divided into two groups consisting of cortically hypoaroused and non-cortically hypoaroused. Independent ttest, correlation-regression, and analysis of variance will be used in univariate analysis, and multiple regression will be used in multivariate analysis. It is hoped that this study result will give information about the role of QEEG profile in predicting which children with ADHD respond positively to methylphenidate, and to move towards the classification of ADHD children based on the underlying cortical dysfunctions, to predict important clinical features, such as treatment outcomes. Key words: attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder - methylphenidate - quantitative electroencephalography - predictor - prognosis}, author = {Pandhita, Gea} }