@article{repository11303, journal = {Web Based E-Catalog Implementation at TPK-KOJA: Case Study of Stock Inventory Division}, volume = {29}, title = {Web Based E-Catalog Implementation at TPK-KOJA: Case Study of Stock Inventory Division}, pages = {481--488}, number = {7}, publisher = {20th May, 2020}, issn = {2207-6360}, url = {http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST}, abstract = {The implementation of web-based e-Catalog by utilizing the Prestashop CMS application is very helpful for the Stock Inventory Division to manage stock of spare parts, especially related to aging, location and number of updates from stock on hand. The display of information that presented in the form of images and detail specification of the product greatly helps the Procurement Division in finding out a product to facilitate ordering and reduce the risk of error ordering goods. This e-catalog also can be utilized by the Equipment Engineering Division and Utilities Facility Division to see spare parts and their numbers related to the planning, maintenance and repair of equipment and the existing utilities at TPK-Koja facilities. ECatalog TPK-Koja can also be accessed either from a desktop computer / workstation or smartphone to ease the user experience. After implementing this e-Catalog system the stock opname activities won't require so many personnel anymore, so it can reduce costs and time. This Prestashop CMS web-based e- Catalog system is very cheap and very powerful for displaying product catalogues.}, author = {Safuan, Safuan and Budiandru, Budiandru and Rudi Kurniawan Arief, Rudi and Erry Yulian T. Adesta, Erry} }