@inproceedings{repository1026, title = {Functions and Role of Social Studies Teachers in the Disruption and Abundance Era}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Studies and Environmental Issues (ICOSSEI 2019)}, author = {Gunawan, Rudy}, url = {atlantis-press.com/proceedings/icossei-19/125934681}, abstract = {The purpose of writing this paper is to look at the function and role of social studies teachers in an era of disruption and abundance. The era of disruption and abundance demands a paradigm shift in producing graduates. A teacher must be able to prepare students to be great people and be able to adjust to the era in which he will take part. Innovative ways of teaching and learning, student-centered learning, the use of technology with unlimited reach, and unlimited access to new knowledge should be developed in education in Indonesia. Novelty can be obtained by various approaches in learning activities, so that the teacher must have comprehensive knowledge about religion, science and social humanities in order to build strong character of students, not give up easily in the face of all changes instead more adaptable or even become agents of change with give new ideas. In order for students to get the knowledge and skills that are able to help them face the era of disruption and the era of abundance, the teacher needs to change the way of teaching in accordance with their roles and functions. Learning can be done using the principle of connectivity so that it is able to present a learning model that recognizes major changes in society because learning is no longer an internal activity but can be done outside of oneself.} }